The CNS situation has finally been handled and it’s time for our Sponsor Showdown!
During these last two weeks of the Season our sponsors will be fighting for control of our Arenas, map by map, hour by hour!
You’ll earn championship points for your sponsor by earning Fans for each game you play, across all game modes, and the look and branding of each map will change based on the outcome of your matches.
Will The Arena’s be painted in VAIIYA White, DISSUN Red or ISEUL-T Blue? It’s all up to you and how well you fare against the competition, Contestants!
Remember, the Sponsors are counting on you!
The Sponsor battle that has been raging all season has determined the starting points for the Showdown Standings:
VAIIYA takes the lead with 80 points to start
DISSUN in second place with 40 points
ISEUL-T in third place starts at 20 points
Each day,... Read more
The CNS situation has finally been handled and it’s time for our Sponsor Showdown!
During these last two weeks of the Season our sponsors will be fighting for control of our Arenas, map by map, hour by hour!
You’ll earn championship points for your sponsor by earning Fans for each game you play, across all game modes, and the look and branding of each map will change based on the outcome of your matches.
Will The Arena’s be painted in VAIIYA White, DISSUN Red or ISEUL-T Blue? It’s all up to you and how well you fare against the competition, Contestants!
Remember, the Sponsors are counting on you!
The Sponsor battle that has been raging all season has determined the starting points for the Showdown Standings:
VAIIYA takes the lead with 80 points to start
DISSUN in second place with 40 points
ISEUL-T in third place starts at 20 points
Each day,... Read more